
To Drink The Rain is Holcombe’s eighth full-length album and the latest in a stream of exceptional new work that’s been flowing steadily since about 2005. Produced by Holcombe’s long-time sideman Jared Tyler, it was recorded over three days at Cedar Creek Recording in Austin with a crack band of hotshots from Texas and Nashville. The twelve tracks here are authentic one-take performances that strike the perfect balance between gravel and grace. And they further develop Malcolm’s unique take on country blues, enriching an often neglected tradition at the very core of Americana.

1 One Leg at a Time
2 Mountains of Home
3 Behind the Number One
4 Down it the Woods
5 Becky's Blessed (Backporch Flowers)
6 Those Who Wander
7 Where I Don't Belong
8 The Mighty City
9 Reckon to the Wind
10 To Drink the Rain
11 Comes the Blues
12 One Man Singin'